Vancouver, B.C. –November 25, 2014 – Highbank Resources Ltd. (the "Company"),

TSX Venture: HBK.

Victor N. Bryant, CEO/President comments, "I am pleased to list and comment on recent news stories and events that could have a direct impact and/or are relevant to the development of the Swamp Point North operation."

20.11.14 Nisga’a Nation signs onto LNG project

"The opportunity to be an active player in the LNG industry is the kind of opportunity for which our elders struggled for over a century, so we could achieve sustainable prosperity for our people into the next century, our elders have told us, now is the time to be bold and move forward." -Nisga’a Nation President, Mitchell Stevens.

Victor N. Bryant, CEO comments, "I commend the elected officials and elders of the Nisga’a Nation for an agreement that helps ensure a prosperous future for the Nisga’a people. The Nisga’a are our neighbors and Highbank will always support them in their endeavor’s." Story: http://ow.ly/EDwz3

20.11.14 Exxon Mobil Canada joins B.C. LNG Alliance

"The alliance states Exxon Mobil Canada has a licence to export as much as 30 million tonnes of LNG annually and the company has entered an option agreement with the City of Prince Rupert for a site at Tuck Inlet ." 

CBC story: http://ow.ly/EDiO6

Area Map: http://ow.ly/EDdTL

This news is well received by Highbank, as this LNG site is yet another potential major location for sales of the Company’s construction aggregates.

14.11.14 Site Inspection

Our director, Mr. Jim Place met on site with representatives of an International engineering firm tasked with identifying viable sources of construction aggregate for an unnamed multinational energy corporation. Mr. Place came in from Stewart, B.C. by company workboat to meet the Engineers who flew in to the site by helicopter. The inspection was completed and Mr. Place will be providing details of the initial sample test reports to the engineering firm.

13.11.14 JAPEX Breaks ground on its "Soma Port" LNG terminal- Fukushima Prefecture

Vic Bryant comments, "the official JAPEX press release affords some very telling insights as to the production timing for the Petronas led PNW LNG consortium (JAPEX 10% -12 million ton stake). "The press release specifically references the source of the LNG coming to this new terminal as from the Port of Prince Rupert, although they further stated the terminal will be receiving LNG from other un-named sources. Scheduled start of operations, March 2018".

Official JAPEX English version news release with ground breaking ceremony photos.


12.11.14 City of Prince Rupert Outlines plans for Camp sites

The City of Prince Rupert has singled out potential sites for a construction workers’ camp and storage/material handling area. "This is a zone to facilitate activities within our zoning bylaw that will take place for a finite period of time," Robert Long, Prince Rupert city manager, said during the Nov. 3 council meeting."

News story here: http://ow.ly/EDo5W

11.11.14 Prince Rupert Gas Transmission ("PRGT") signs milestone agreement with the Nisga’a Nation

"First Nations are going to look to this agreement as a concrete example of what can be done between a company like TransCanada and First Nations". - See more and video at: http://ow.ly/EDryw

11.25.14 Upcoming Event

Victor N. Bryant comments, "Highbank’s Directors will be meeting with a European sub sea pipeline laying company to discuss opportunities for providing aggregates for bedding purposes. It would seem likely given the frequency and timing of the above events that a major LNG project starting is soon to be announced."

On behalf of the Board of Directors of



"Victor N. Bryant"

Victor N. Bryant,





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