Vancouver, B.C. – May 30, 2013 - Highbank Resources Ltd. (TSX.V –"HBK"), (the "Company") reports that at the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in Vancouver on May 29, 2012 all resolutions presented in the Information Circular and proxy were approved, which included the election of the Board of Directors. The Directors consist of Victor N. Bryant, Jake Bottay, Gary Musil, Luard J. Manning, and newly elected James H. Place. MacKay LLP, Chartered Accountants were appointed as Auditors.
Appointment of Officers:
At the meeting of the Board of Directors, held immediately following the Annual General Meeting, the following were appointed as officers of the Company:
President and CEO - Victor N. Bryant
Corp. Secretary and CFO - Gary Musil
Vice President – Aggregate Operations - Stan Spletzer
Appointment of Audit Committee:
Members of the Audit Committee appointed were Gary Musil, Luard J. Manning, and James H. Place.
Website re-launched:
The company has now re-launched its Corporate website www.highbankresources.com and www.highbankres.com. Aside from an updated user friendly presentation the site now acts as a "Virtual Investor Centre" for a broad range of social media platforms. Shareholders, potential investors, brokers, associated organizations and interested parties now may 'follow" us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighbankResourcesLtd?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HighbankHBK
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/b/115999208073439737262/115999208073439737262/posts
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF-4vHNRRLw
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/highbank-resources-ltd-?trk=top_nav_home
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/stockshaman/highbank-res
Please feel free to "Share", "Like", or "Follow" these Highbank Resources Ltd. social media platforms within their respective mediums.
The Board of Directors would like to thank the Company’s shareholders for their continued support in these difficult markets throughout the past year.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of HIGHBANK RESOURCES LTD.
"Gary Musil"
Gary Musil,
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